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Get the set of possible values for all dimensions of the indicator


get_dim_values(indicator, lang = "PT")



INE indicator ID as a 7 character string. Example: "0010003".


One of "PT" or "EN". Default is "PT".


A tidy data frame with dim_num (dimension number), cat_id (dimension description), categ_cod, categ_dsg (Category description), categ_ord (order in which the category appears in the website), categ_nivel (hierarchical order) and value_id (id row for this data frame) for the selected indicator.


If the indicator is not valid, returns "(PT) O codigo do indicador nao existe. / (EN) The indicator code does not exist."
Calling is_indicator_valid() before using this function is recommended.


#> # A tibble: 7 × 7
#>   dim_num cat_id  categ_cod categ_dsg             categ_ord categ_nivel value_id
#>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <chr>                 <chr>     <chr>       <chr>   
#> 1 1       S7A2022 S7A2022   2022                  20220101  1           Dim_Num…
#> 2 2       PT      PT        Portugal              1         1           Dim_Num…
#> 3 3       1       1         Websites ou aplicaçõ… 1         1           Dim_Num…
#> 4 3       2       2         Problemas técnicos n… 2         1           Dim_Num…
#> 5 3       3       3         Problemas com a assi… 3         1           Dim_Num…
#> 6 3       4       4         Falta de acesso aos … 4         1           Dim_Num…
#> 7 3       5       5         Serviços não acessív… 5         1           Dim_Num…