with R

Carlos Matos // ISPUP // November 2023

Very brief overview of hypothesis testing

  1. Define the null hypothesis (H0)

  2. Set the significance level (alpha) - usually 0.05

  3. Get the test statistic with your sample data and the p-value

    probability of obtaining the result we obtained or even more extreme, assuming H0 is true.
  4. Interpret the p-value

    1. if p < alpha, reject H0
    2. if p >= alpha, not enough evidence to reject H0

Statistical tests

No real

dependent or



Chi-square test

library(medicaldata)  #Sample datasets

chisq.test(covid_testing$result, covid_testing$gender)

    Pearson's Chi-squared test

data:  covid_testing$result and covid_testing$gender
X-squared = 1.2028, df = 2, p-value = 0.5481

Chi-square test

library(ggstatsplot) #Automatically display common statistical tests in plots

ggbarstats(data = covid_testing, x = result, y = gender)






Parametric tests

Statistical tests

One sample t-test

  • Numeric outcome variable (in R data type terms)
  • Comparing one mean with a target value

#develop datest
#Dataset with a development index at 5yo (general1) and 8yo (general2)
#Includes socioeconomic class variable, with value 1 = high, 2 = mewdium and 3 = low

#Import from github and create a factor
develop <- rio::import("") %>% 
  mutate(soclass = factor(soclass, 
                          labels = c("high","medium","low"), #The labels that we see
                          levels = c(1,2,3), #the values that are coded
                          ordered = T)) # TRUE if the values have an inherent order e.g. high > medium > low

One sample t-test

  • Numeric outcome variable (in R data type terms)
  • Comparing one mean with a target value
t.test(x = develop$general1, mu = 120)

    One Sample t-test

data:  develop$general1
t = -2.3548, df = 38, p-value = 0.0238
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 120
95 percent confidence interval:
 114.7070 119.6007
sample estimates:
mean of x 

Paired Sample t-test

  • Numeric outcome variable (in R data type terms)
  • Comparing two paired means
#Paired samples t-test
t.test(x = develop$general1, y = develop$general2,
       paired = TRUE)

    Paired t-test

data:  develop$general1 and develop$general2
t = 4.0779, df = 38, p-value = 0.0002239
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 2.233808 6.637987
sample estimates:
mean difference 

Independent Samples t-test

  • Numeric outcome variable (in R data type terms)
  • Comparing two independent means
#Using the polyps data from the {medicaldata} package

t.test(number12m ~ treatment, data = polyps)

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  number12m by treatment
t = 3.6114, df = 16.901, p-value = 0.002172
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group placebo and group sulindac is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 10.69898 40.79597
sample estimates:
 mean in group placebo mean in group sulindac 
             35.636364               9.888889 
  • Are variances equal?

Levene test for homogeneity of variances


car::leveneTest(y = number12m ~ treatment, data = polyps)
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
      Df F value Pr(>F)
group  1  2.5663 0.1266
t.test(number12m ~ treatment, data = polyps, var.equal = T)

    Two Sample t-test

data:  number12m by treatment
t = 3.4449, df = 18, p-value = 0.00289
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group placebo and group sulindac is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 10.04479 41.45016
sample estimates:
 mean in group placebo mean in group sulindac 
             35.636364               9.888889 

T-test + Levene test

  • Summary
#One sample t.test
t.test(x = a_vector, mu = some_value) 

#Paired samples t.test
t.test(x = a_vector, y = other_vector, paired = TRUE)

#Independent samples t.test
t.test(num_vec ~ 2_levels_cat_vec, data = some_df, var.equal = T or F) 

#Levene Test for homogeneity of variances
car::leveneTest(y = num_vec ~ 2_levels_cat_vec, data = some_df)


  • Numeric outcome variable (in R data type terms)
  • Comparing more than two means
leveneTest(general1 ~ soclass, data = develop)
oneway.test(general1 ~ soclass, data = develop)
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
      Df F value Pr(>F)
group  2  0.3116 0.7342

    One-way analysis of means (not assuming equal variances)

data:  general1 and soclass
F = 5.9897, num df = 2.000, denom df = 19.942, p-value = 0.009179


Remember that a p < alpha for the levene test and for the one-way ANOVA means at least one difference between groups. If that is the case, then pairwise comparisons need to be performed to identify which groups differ


  • Pairwise comparissons
pairwise.t.test(x = develop$general1,
                g = develop$soclass,
                p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")

    Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD 

data:  develop$general1 and develop$soclass 

       high   medium
medium 0.0250 -     
low    0.0018 0.8172

P value adjustment method: bonferroni 
  • High - low and high - medium are significantly different


  • Visualizing with ggstatsplot

develop %>% 
  ggbetweenstats(x = soclass, 
                 y = general1, 
                 p.adjust.method = "bonferroni",
                 pairwise.display = "all") 



  • Extracting the statistics

develop %>% 
  ggbetweenstats(x = soclass, 
                 y = general1, 
                 p.adjust.method = "bonferroni",
                 pairwise.display = "all") %>% 
  extract_stats() %>% glimpse
List of 7
 $ subtitle_data            : sttsExpr [1 × 14] (S3: statsExpressions/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
  ..$ statistic        : num 5.99
  ..$ df               : num 2
  ..$ df.error         : num 19.9
  ..$ p.value          : num 0.00918
  ..$ method           : chr "One-way analysis of means (not assuming equal variances)"
  ..$ effectsize       : chr "Omega2"
  .. ..- attr(*, "na.action")= 'omit' int [1:3] 2 3 4
  ..$ estimate         : num 0.303
  ..$ conf.level       : num 0.95
  ..$ conf.low         : num 0.0249
  ..$ conf.high        : num 1
  ..$ conf.method      : chr "ncp"
  ..$ conf.distribution: chr "F"
  ..$ n.obs            : int 39
  ..$ expression       :List of 1
 $ caption_data             : sttsExpr [6 × 17] (S3: statsExpressions/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
  ..$ term              : chr [1:6] "mu" "soclass-high" "soclass-medium" "soclass-low" ...
  ..$ pd                : num [1:6] 1 0.998 0.823 0.995 1 ...
  ..$ prior.distribution: chr [1:6] "cauchy" "cauchy" "cauchy" "cauchy" ...
  ..$ prior.location    : num [1:6] 0 0 0 0 0 0
  ..$ prior.scale       : num [1:6] 0.707 0.707 0.707 0.707 0.707 0.707
  ..$ bf10              : num [1:6] 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 ...
  ..$ method            : chr [1:6] "Bayes factors for linear models" "Bayes factors for linear models" "Bayes factors for linear models" "Bayes factors for linear models" ...
  ..$ log_e_bf10        : num [1:6] 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 ...
  ..$ effectsize        : chr [1:6] "Bayesian R-squared" "Bayesian R-squared" "Bayesian R-squared" "Bayesian R-squared" ...
  ..$ estimate          : num [1:6] 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 ...
  ..$           : num [1:6] 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 ...
  ..$ conf.level        : num [1:6] 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
  ..$ conf.low          : num [1:6] 0 0 0 0 0 0
  ..$ conf.high         : num [1:6] 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 ...
  ..$ conf.method       : chr [1:6] "HDI" "HDI" "HDI" "HDI" ...
  ..$ n.obs             : int [1:6] 39 39 39 39 39 39
  ..$ expression        :List of 6
 $ pairwise_comparisons_data: sttsExpr [3 × 9] (S3: statsExpressions/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
  ..$ group1         : chr [1:3] "high" "high" "medium"
  ..$ group2         : chr [1:3] "low" "medium" "low"
  ..$ statistic      : num [1:3] -4.92 -3.87 -1.62
  ..$ p.value        : num [1:3] 0.0237 0.1187 1
  ..$ alternative    : chr [1:3] "two.sided" "two.sided" "two.sided"
  ..$ distribution   : chr [1:3] "q" "q" "q"
  ..$ p.adjust.method: chr [1:3] "Bonferroni" "Bonferroni" "Bonferroni"
  ..$ test           : chr [1:3] "Games-Howell" "Games-Howell" "Games-Howell"
  ..$ expression     :List of 3
 $ descriptive_data         : NULL
 $ one_sample_data          : NULL
 $ tidy_data                : NULL
 $ glance_data              : NULL



Wilcoxon signed-rank test

  • Used in similar situations to the one sample t-test, but tests the median
develop <- develop %>% 
  mutate(general_dif = general2 - general1)

wilcox.test(develop$general_dif, exact = F,
            correct = F) #Do not use continuity correction

    Wilcoxon signed rank test

data:  develop$general_dif
V = 142, p-value = 0.0005297
alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 0

Mann-Whitney U test

  • Used to compare two sample means (similar to Independent samples t-test)
  • It’s the same function as the wilcoxon test
wilcox.test(number12m ~ treatment, data = polyps,
            exact = F, correct = F)

    Wilcoxon rank sum test

data:  number12m by treatment
W = 88, p-value = 0.003408
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

Kruskal-Wallis test

  • Numerical outcome variable, comparing more than two means
kruskal.test(general1 ~ soclass, data = develop)

    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  general1 by soclass
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 9.8587, df = 2, p-value = 0.007231



\[ g(Y) = f(X,\beta) \]

Statistical models

  • Used to describe the relation of one outcome with multiple predictors
  • The choice of model will depend on several factors
    • Research question
    • Design type
    • Type of outcome
    • Distributional assumptions

Statistical models

Why do we care about modelling?

  1. Describe strength of the association between outcome and factors of interest
  2. Adjust for confounders, therefore reducing noise
  3. Identify health determinants and have insights about causality
  4. Predict outcomes for diagnostic and prognostic purposes

Examples include linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regresison, Cox regression



Linear regression

  • General syntax of a statistical model in R
    • A formula argument, to specify the column names of the variables used in the model
    • A data argument, to specify the dataset
  • The tilde ~ is used to create formulas
    • The outcome goes to the left
    • The predictors go to the right
lm(formula = outcome ~ predictor1 + ... + predictor_X,
   data = my_dataset)

Linear regression

  • Exploring the blood_pressure dataset
bp_dataset <- rio::import("data/blood_pressure.sav") %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
Rows: 300
Columns: 5
$ id        <dbl> 5147, 2786, 3489, 5454, 3162, 2734, 5154, 5395, 5679, 3152, …
$ age       <dbl> 35, 19, 26, 31, 26, 31, 68, 73, 59, 80, 49, 48, 54, 48, 48, …
$ weight    <dbl> 81, 65, 78, 75, 92, 75, 76, 90, 72, 71, 64, 83, 75, 91, 78, …
$ systolic  <dbl> 139, 116, 141, 135, 148, 136, 121, 129, 126, 167, 133, 117, …
$ diastolic <dbl> 78, 73, 94, 86, 86, 86, 76, 81, 78, 87, 84, 64, 97, 89, 82, …

Linear regression

  • Modelling systolic blood pressure as a function of age
#Storing the model results in the "my_lm" object
my_lm <- lm(formula = systolic ~ age,
   data = bp_dataset)

my_lm # Only shows the coefficients

lm(formula = systolic ~ age, data = bp_dataset)

(Intercept)          age  
   105.3207       0.6868  

Explore the my_lm object with View(my_lm). What do you see?

Linear regression

  • Summary() shows more details about the model
#Exploring the "fit" object
summary(my_lm) #Shows more info

lm(formula = systolic ~ age, data = bp_dataset)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-49.95 -11.28  -2.40  10.71  74.16 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 105.32075    3.02978   34.76   <2e-16 ***
age           0.68677    0.06242   11.00   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 18.59 on 298 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2889,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2865 
F-statistic:   121 on 1 and 298 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Tidy model outputs with {broom}

  • tidy() summarizes information about model components

my_lm %>% broom::tidy( = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)
# A tibble: 2 × 7
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)  105.       3.03        34.8 7.21e-107   99.4     111.   
2 age            0.687    0.0624      11.0 7.45e- 24    0.564     0.810

Tidy model outputs with {broom}

  • glance() reports information about the entire model

my_lm %>% broom::glance()
# A tibble: 1 × 12
  r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic  p.value    df logLik   AIC   BIC
      <dbl>         <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     0.289         0.286  18.6      121. 7.45e-24     1 -1301. 2609. 2620.
# ℹ 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>

Tidy model outputs with {broom}

  • augment() adds informations about observations to a dataset
  • The meaning of each column can be found here

my_lm %>% broom::augment()
# A tibble: 300 × 8
   systolic   age .fitted .resid    .hat .sigma   .cooksd .std.resid
      <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
 1      139    35    129.   9.64 0.00455   18.6 0.000618       0.520
 2      116    19    118.  -2.37 0.0112    18.6 0.0000930     -0.128
 3      141    26    123.  17.8  0.00757   18.6 0.00354        0.963
 4      135    31    127.   8.39 0.00567   18.6 0.000584       0.453
 5      148    26    123.  24.8  0.00757   18.6 0.00686        1.34 
 6      136    31    127.   9.39 0.00567   18.6 0.000732       0.507
 7      121    68    152. -31.0  0.00910   18.5 0.0129        -1.68 
 8      129    73    155. -26.5  0.0119    18.6 0.0124        -1.43 
 9      126    59    146. -19.8  0.00542   18.6 0.00312       -1.07 
10      167    80    160.   6.74 0.0168    18.6 0.00114        0.366
# ℹ 290 more rows

Linear regression

  • Plotting the linear correlation between two variables
ggscatterstats(bp_dataset, y = systolic, x = age)

What does all that mean?

Alternative plot with {ggpmisc}


bp_dataset %>% 
  ggplot(aes(diastolic, weight)) +
  geom_point() +
  stat_smooth(method = "lm") +
    c("eq", "R2", "adj.R2", "P", "n")))

Easy way to have finer control over what values are shown in the plot

Linear regression

  • Plotting the coefficients
#plotting the coefficients
ggcoefstats(my_lm, exclude.intercept = TRUE) 

Linear regression

  • What if we want to use the model to make predictions for a 55yo person?
#Create a data.frame with the new data
new_data <- tibble(age = 55)

#Make the prediction
predict(my_lm, new_data)

Linear regression

  • Example with categorical covariates
#Let's change the dataset to add a mock categorical variable with 3 levels
#Randomly add the values "High", "Medium" or "Low" to a new variable
bp_dataset_mock <- bp_dataset %>% 
  mutate(mock = sample(c("High","Medium","Low"), 300, replace =T))

my_lm_mock <- lm(diastolic ~ age + weight + mock, data = bp_dataset_mock)

my_lm_mock %>% broom::tidy()
# A tibble: 5 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   58.8      3.62      16.2   8.97e-43
2 age            0.154    0.0383     4.01  7.68e- 5
3 weight         0.260    0.0448     5.80  1.72e- 8
4 mockLow       -0.423    1.56      -0.270 7.87e- 1
5 mockMedium    -5.29     1.68      -3.16  1.76e- 3
  • Dummy variables are created automatically as needed

Linear regression

  • Example with interactions
my_lm_mock <- lm(diastolic ~  weight*age, data = bp_dataset_mock)
my_lm_mock %>% broom::tidy()
# A tibble: 4 × 5
  term         estimate std.error statistic       p.value
  <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 58.7        9.67        6.07  0.00000000394
2 weight       0.230      0.141       1.63  0.103        
3 age          0.137      0.206       0.666 0.506        
4 weight:age   0.000381   0.00297     0.128 0.898        

Instead of the *, use the colon : for the interaction. What is the difference?

Linear regression

Instead of the *, use the colon : for the interaction. What is the difference?

my_lm_mock <- lm(diastolic ~  weight:age, data = bp_dataset_mock)
my_lm_mock %>% broom::tidy()
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 72.3      1.68         43.0  2.04e-129
2 weight:age   0.00313  0.000479      6.53 2.82e- 10


With the *, the interaction parameters are automatically added individually to the model, as well as their interaction, while using : only the interaction is added to the model, thus allowing greater control of the final model.

Linear regression

  • The dot . adds all the variables as predictors
  • It does not include interactions
my_lm_all <- lm(diastolic ~ ., data = bp_dataset_mock) # the dot add all the variables as predictors
my_lm_all %>% broom::tidy()
# A tibble: 7 × 5
  term         estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 24.8       3.73         6.64  1.50e-10
2 id          -0.000156  0.000308    -0.507 6.13e- 1
3 age         -0.103     0.0354      -2.92  3.77e- 3
4 weight       0.130     0.0363       3.60  3.79e- 4
5 systolic     0.403     0.0289      14.0   3.21e-34
6 mockLow     -1.42      1.22        -1.16  2.45e- 1
7 mockMedium  -3.22      1.31        -2.45  1.47e- 2

Linear regression

  • The dot . adds all the variables as predictors
  • This works well if we want to implement a stepwise approach to variable selection with the {MASS} package

step <- stepAIC(my_lm_all, direction = "both", trace = F)
step %>% broom::tidy()
# A tibble: 6 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   24.7      3.72        6.63 1.58e-10
2 age           -0.106    0.0351     -3.02 2.73e- 3
3 weight         0.129    0.0360      3.57 4.20e- 4
4 systolic       0.403    0.0288     14.0  2.81e-34
5 mockLow       -1.41     1.22       -1.16 2.47e- 1
6 mockMedium    -3.22     1.31       -2.46 1.45e- 2

Checking model assumptions



dependent variables

Statistical tests

Logistic regression

  • The function glm is used for generalized linear models
  • The family argument specifies the details of the glm model
cancer_data <- rio::import("data/cancer_data.xlsx")
logit_model <- glm(status ~ ., data = cancer_data, 
                   family = "binomial")

logit_model %>% summary()

glm(formula = status ~ ., family = "binomial", data = cancer_data)

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept) -0.7209579  1.5166269  -0.475  0.63452   
age          0.0219774  0.0210127   1.046  0.29560   
sex2        -1.0021949  0.3737194  -2.682  0.00733 **
ecog         0.7576818  0.2682974   2.824  0.00474 **
meal_cal     0.0001768  0.0004920   0.359  0.71928   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 206.72  on 179  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 186.09  on 175  degrees of freedom
AIC: 196.09

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Logistic regression

  • Available function families in glm()


If you don’t specify a family, it may use gaussian by default and your output will not be a logistic regression!

Logistic regression


Remember that the coefficients of a logistic model are the log of Odds Ratio

  • We can specify to the tidy() function that we want to exponentiate the coefficients
# estimate is log-OR
logit_model %>% 

#estimate is OR
logit_model %>% 
  broom::tidy(exponentiate = T, 
     = T) 
# A tibble: 5 × 5
  term         estimate std.error statistic p.value
  <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
1 (Intercept) -0.721     1.52        -0.475 0.635  
2 age          0.0220    0.0210       1.05  0.296  
3 sex2        -1.00      0.374       -2.68  0.00733
4 ecog         0.758     0.268        2.82  0.00474
5 meal_cal     0.000177  0.000492     0.359 0.719  
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  term        estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)    0.486  1.52        -0.475 0.635     0.0241     9.55 
2 age            1.02   0.0210       1.05  0.296     0.981      1.07 
3 sex2           0.367  0.374       -2.68  0.00733   0.174      0.760
4 ecog           2.13   0.268        2.82  0.00474   1.28       3.67 
5 meal_cal       1.00   0.000492     0.359 0.719     0.999      1.00 

Logistic regression


R will NOT tell you IF you should exponentiate or not. You could also (wrongly) exponentiate the coefficients of a linear model. You have to know in which situation it makes sense to exponentiate.

Survival analysis

Survival analysis with {survival}


lung_data <- lung %>% 
  mutate(sex = factor(sex, levels = c(1,2), labels = c("Male","Female")))

    inst time status age    sex ph.ecog ph.karno pat.karno wt.loss
1      3  306      2  74   Male       1       90       100     1175      NA
2      3  455      2  68   Male       0       90        90     1225      15
3      3 1010      1  56   Male       0       90        90       NA      15
4      5  210      2  57   Male       1       90        60     1150      11
5      1  883      2  60   Male       0      100        90       NA       0
6     12 1022      1  74   Male       1       50        80      513       0
7      7  310      2  68 Female       2       70        60      384      10
8     11  361      2  71 Female       2       60        80      538       1
9      1  218      2  53   Male       1       70        80      825      16
10     7  166      2  61   Male       2       70        70      271      34
11     6  170      2  57   Male       1       80        80     1025      27
12    16  654      2  68 Female       2       70        70       NA      23
13    11  728      2  68 Female       1       90        90       NA       5
14    21   71      2  60   Male      NA       60        70     1225      32
15    12  567      2  57   Male       1       80        70     2600      60
16     1  144      2  67   Male       1       80        90       NA      15
17    22  613      2  70   Male       1       90       100     1150      -5
18    16  707      2  63   Male       2       50        70     1025      22
19     1   61      2  56 Female       2       60        60      238      10
20    21   88      2  57   Male       1       90        80     1175      NA
21    11  301      2  67   Male       1       80        80     1025      17
22     6   81      2  49 Female       0      100        70     1175      -8
23    11  624      2  50   Male       1       70        80       NA      16
24    15  371      2  58   Male       0       90       100      975      13
25    12  394      2  72   Male       0       90        80       NA       0
26    12  520      2  70 Female       1       90        80      825       6
27     4  574      2  60   Male       0      100       100     1025     -13
28    13  118      2  70   Male       3       60        70     1075      20
29    13  390      2  53   Male       1       80        70      875      -7
30     1   12      2  74   Male       2       70        50      305      20
31    12  473      2  69 Female       1       90        90     1025      -1
32     1   26      2  73   Male       2       60        70      388      20
33     7  533      2  48   Male       2       60        80       NA     -11
34    16  107      2  60 Female       2       50        60      925     -15
35    12   53      2  61   Male       2       70       100     1075      10
36     1  122      2  62 Female       2       50        50     1025      NA
37    22  814      2  65   Male       2       70        60      513      28
38    15  965      1  66 Female       1       70        90      875       4
39     1   93      2  74   Male       2       50        40     1225      24
40     1  731      2  64 Female       1       80       100     1175      15
41     5  460      2  70   Male       1       80        60      975      10
42    11  153      2  73 Female       2       60        70     1075      11
43    10  433      2  59 Female       0       90        90      363      27
44    12  145      2  60 Female       2       70        60       NA      NA
45     7  583      2  68   Male       1       60        70     1025       7
46     7   95      2  76 Female       2       60        60      625     -24
47     1  303      2  74   Male       0       90        70      463      30
48     3  519      2  63   Male       1       80        70     1025      10
49    13  643      2  74   Male       0       90        90     1425       2
50    22  765      2  50 Female       1       90       100     1175       4
51     3  735      2  72 Female       1       90        90       NA       9
52    12  189      2  63   Male       0       80        70       NA       0
53    21   53      2  68   Male       0       90       100     1025       0
54     1  246      2  58   Male       0      100        90     1175       7
55     6  689      2  59   Male       1       90        80     1300      15
56     1   65      2  62   Male       0       90        80      725      NA
57     5    5      2  65 Female       0      100        80      338       5
58    22  132      2  57   Male       2       70        60       NA      18
59     3  687      2  58 Female       1       80        80     1225      10
60     1  345      2  64 Female       1       90        80     1075      -3
61    22  444      2  75 Female       2       70        70      438       8
62    12  223      2  48   Male       1       90        80     1300      68
63    21  175      2  73   Male       1       80       100     1025      NA
64    11   60      2  65 Female       1       90        80     1025       0
65     3  163      2  69   Male       1       80        60     1125       0
66     3   65      2  68   Male       2       70        50      825       8
67    16  208      2  67 Female       2       70        NA      538       2
68     5  821      1  64 Female       0       90        70     1025       3
69    22  428      2  68   Male       0      100        80     1039       0
70     6  230      2  67   Male       1       80       100      488      23
71    13  840      1  63   Male       0       90        90     1175      -1
72     3  305      2  48 Female       1       80        90      538      29
73     5   11      2  74   Male       2       70       100     1175       0
74     2  132      2  40   Male       1       80        80       NA       3
75    21  226      2  53 Female       1       90        80      825       3
76    12  426      2  71 Female       1       90        90     1075      19
77     1  705      2  51 Female       0      100        80     1300       0
78     6  363      2  56 Female       1       80        70     1225      -2
79     3   11      2  81   Male       0       90        NA      731      15
80     1  176      2  73   Male       0       90        70      169      30
81     4  791      2  59   Male       0      100        80      768       5
82    13   95      2  55   Male       1       70        90     1500      15
83    11  196      1  42   Male       1       80        80     1425       8
84    21  167      2  44 Female       1       80        90      588      -1
85    16  806      1  44   Male       1       80        80     1025       1
86     6  284      2  71   Male       1       80        90     1100      14
87    22  641      2  62 Female       1       80        80     1150       1
88    21  147      2  61   Male       0      100        90     1175       4
89    13  740      1  44 Female       1       90        80      588      39
90     1  163      2  72   Male       2       70        70      910       2
91    11  655      2  63   Male       0      100        90      975      -1
92    22  239      2  70   Male       1       80       100       NA      23
93     5   88      2  66   Male       1       90        80      875       8
94    10  245      2  57 Female       1       80        60      280      14
95     1  588      1  69 Female       0      100        90       NA      13
96    12   30      2  72   Male       2       80        60      288       7
97     3  179      2  69   Male       1       80        80       NA      25
98    12  310      2  71   Male       1       90       100       NA       0
99    11  477      2  64   Male       1       90       100      910       0
100    3  166      2  70 Female       0       90        70       NA      10
101    1  559      1  58 Female       0      100       100      710      15
102    6  450      2  69 Female       1       80        90     1175       3
103   13  364      2  56   Male       1       70        80       NA       4
104    6  107      2  63   Male       1       90        70       NA       0
105   13  177      2  59   Male       2       50        NA       NA      32
106   12  156      2  66   Male       1       80        90      875      14
107   26  529      1  54 Female       1       80       100      975      -3
108    1   11      2  67   Male       1       90        90      925      NA
109   21  429      2  55   Male       1      100        80      975       5
110    3  351      2  75 Female       2       60        50      925      11
111   13   15      2  69   Male       0       90        70      575      10
112    1  181      2  44   Male       1       80        90     1175       5
113   10  283      2  80   Male       1       80       100     1030       6
114    3  201      2  75 Female       0       90       100       NA       1
115    6  524      2  54 Female       1       80       100       NA      15
116    1   13      2  76   Male       2       70        70      413      20
117    3  212      2  49   Male       2       70        60      675      20
118    1  524      2  68   Male       2       60        70     1300      30
119   16  288      2  66   Male       2       70        60      613      24
120   15  363      2  80   Male       1       80        90      346      11
121   22  442      2  75   Male       0       90        90       NA       0
122   26  199      2  60 Female       2       70        80      675      10
123    3  550      2  69 Female       1       70        80      910       0
124   11   54      2  72   Male       2       60        60      768      -3
125    1  558      2  70   Male       0       90        90     1025      17
126   22  207      2  66   Male       1       80        80      925      20
127    7   92      2  50   Male       1       80        60     1075      13
128   12   60      2  64   Male       1       80        90      993       0
129   16  551      1  77 Female       2       80        60      750      28
130   12  543      1  48 Female       0       90        60       NA       4
131    4  293      2  59 Female       1       80        80      925      52
132   16  202      2  53   Male       1       80        80       NA      20
133    6  353      2  47   Male       0      100        90     1225       5
134   13  511      1  55 Female       1       80        70       NA      49
135    1  267      2  67   Male       0       90        70      313       6
136   22  511      1  74 Female       2       60        40       96      37
137   12  371      2  58 Female       1       80        70       NA       0
138   13  387      2  56   Male       2       80        60     1075      NA
139    1  457      2  54   Male       1       90        90      975      -5
140    5  337      2  56   Male       0      100       100     1500      15
141   21  201      2  73 Female       2       70        60     1225     -16
142    3  404      1  74   Male       1       80        70      413      38
143   26  222      2  76   Male       2       70        70     1500       8
144    1   62      2  65 Female       1       80        90     1075       0
145   11  458      1  57   Male       1       80       100      513      30
146   26  356      1  53 Female       1       90        90       NA       2
147   16  353      2  71   Male       0      100        80      775       2
148   16  163      2  54   Male       1       90        80     1225      13
149   12   31      2  82   Male       0      100        90      413      27
150   13  340      2  59 Female       0      100        90       NA       0
151   13  229      2  70   Male       1       70        60     1175      -2
152   22  444      1  60   Male       0       90       100       NA       7
153    5  315      1  62 Female       0       90        90       NA       0
154   16  182      2  53 Female       1       80        60       NA       4
155   32  156      2  55   Male       2       70        30     1025      10
156   NA  329      2  69   Male       2       70        80      713      20
157   26  364      1  68 Female       1       90        90       NA       7
158    4  291      2  62   Male       2       70        60      475      27
159   12  179      2  63   Male       1       80        70      538      -2
160    1  376      1  56 Female       1       80        90      825      17
161   32  384      1  62 Female       0       90        90      588       8
162   10  268      2  44 Female       1       90       100     2450       2
163   11  292      1  69   Male       2       60        70     2450      36
164    6  142      2  63   Male       1       90        80      875       2
165    7  413      1  64   Male       1       80        70      413      16
166   16  266      1  57 Female       0       90        90     1075       3
167   11  194      2  60 Female       1       80        60       NA      33
168   21  320      2  46   Male       0      100       100      860       4
169    6  181      2  61   Male       1       90        90      730       0
170   12  285      2  65   Male       0      100        90     1025       0
171   13  301      1  61   Male       1       90       100      825       2
172    2  348      2  58 Female       0       90        80     1225      10
173    2  197      2  56   Male       1       90        60      768      37
174   16  382      1  43 Female       0      100        90      338       6
175    1  303      1  53   Male       1       90        80     1225      12
176   13  296      1  59 Female       1       80       100     1025       0
177    1  180      2  56   Male       2       60        80     1225      -2
178   13  186      2  55 Female       1       80        70       NA      NA
179    1  145      2  53 Female       1       80        90      588      13
180    7  269      1  74 Female       0      100       100      588       0
181   13  300      1  60   Male       0      100       100      975       5
182    1  284      1  39   Male       0      100        90     1225      -5
183   16  350      2  66 Female       0       90       100     1025      NA
184   32  272      1  65 Female       1       80        90       NA      -1
185   12  292      1  51 Female       0       90        80     1225       0
186   12  332      1  45 Female       0       90       100      975       5
187    2  285      2  72 Female       2       70        90      463      20
188    3  259      1  58   Male       0       90        80     1300       8
189   15  110      2  64   Male       1       80        60     1025      12
190   22  286      2  53   Male       0       90        90     1225       8
191   16  270      2  72   Male       1       80        90      488      14
192   16   81      2  52   Male       2       60        70     1075      NA
193   12  131      2  50   Male       1       90        80      513      NA
194    1  225      1  64   Male       1       90        80      825      33
195   22  269      2  71   Male       1       90        90     1300      -2
196   12  225      1  70   Male       0      100       100     1175       6
197   32  243      1  63 Female       1       80        90      825       0
198   21  279      1  64   Male       1       90        90       NA       4
199    1  276      1  52 Female       0      100        80      975       0
200   32  135      2  60   Male       1       90        70     1275       0
201   15   79      2  64 Female       1       90        90      488      37
202   22   59      2  73   Male       1       60        60     2200       5
203   32  240      1  63 Female       0       90       100     1025       0
204    3  202      1  50 Female       0      100       100      635       1
205   26  235      1  63 Female       0      100        90      413       0
206   33  105      2  62   Male       2       NA        70       NA      NA
207    5  224      1  55 Female       0       80        90       NA      23
208   13  239      2  50 Female       2       60        60     1025      -3
209   21  237      1  69   Male       1       80        70       NA      NA
210   33  173      1  59 Female       1       90        80       NA      10
211    1  252      1  60 Female       0      100        90      488      -2
212    6  221      1  67   Male       1       80        70      413      23
213   15  185      1  69   Male       1       90        70     1075       0
214   11   92      1  64 Female       2       70       100       NA      31
215   11   13      2  65   Male       1       80        90       NA      10
216   11  222      1  65   Male       1       90        70     1025      18
217   13  192      1  41 Female       1       90        80       NA     -10
218   21  183      2  76   Male       2       80        60      825       7
219   11  211      1  70 Female       2       70        30      131       3
220    2  175      1  57 Female       0       80        80      725      11
221   22  197      1  67   Male       1       80        90     1500       2
222   11  203      1  71 Female       1       80        90     1025       0
223    1  116      2  76   Male       1       80        80       NA       0
224    1  188      1  77   Male       1       80        60       NA       3
225   13  191      1  39   Male       0       90        90     2350      -5
226   32  105      1  75 Female       2       60        70     1025       5
227    6  174      1  66   Male       1       90       100     1075       1
228   22  177      1  58 Female       1       80        90     1060       0

Survival analysis with {survival}

kaplan_meier <- survfit2(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung_data)

kaplan_meier %>% 
  ggsurvfit() +
  add_confidence_interval() +
  add_risktable(risktable_stats = c("n.risk", "cum.event")) +
    x = "Days",
    y = "Overall survival probability"

Survival analysis with {survival}

Survival analysis with {survival}

  • Syntax of a kaplan meier curve with {survival}
    • The time argument is the total follow up time
    • Alternatively, time can be the start date of the follow up, and time2 can be the end date of follow up
    • The event argument is 1 or 0 if the event occurred or not, respectively
    survfit2(Surv(time = follow_up_time, event = status) ~ group, data = my_dataset)

Survival analysis with {survival}

  • survdiff() can be used to perfom a log rank test for differences in survival curves
survdiff(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung_data)
survdiff(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung_data)

             N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
sex=Male   138      112     91.6      4.55      10.3
sex=Female  90       53     73.4      5.68      10.3

 Chisq= 10.3  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.001 

Survival analysis with {survival}

  • For the Cox proportional hazards model there is a similar function, but to which you can add covariates
cox_model <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ sex + ph.ecog + wt.loss, data = lung_data)

coxph(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ sex + ph.ecog + wt.loss, 
    data = lung_data)

  n= 213, number of events= 151 
   (15 observations deleted due to missingness)

               coef exp(coef)  se(coef)      z Pr(>|z|)    
sexFemale -0.588819  0.554983  0.174878 -3.367  0.00076 ***
ph.ecog    0.543620  1.722231  0.123701  4.395 1.11e-05 ***
wt.loss   -0.008753  0.991285  0.006497 -1.347  0.17787    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

          exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
sexFemale    0.5550     1.8019    0.3939    0.7819
ph.ecog      1.7222     0.5806    1.3514    2.1948
wt.loss      0.9913     1.0088    0.9787    1.0040

Concordance= 0.646  (se = 0.027 )
Likelihood ratio test= 29.05  on 3 df,   p=2e-06
Wald test            = 28.84  on 3 df,   p=2e-06
Score (logrank) test = 29.29  on 3 df,   p=2e-06

Mixed effects


Mixed models with {lme4}


# Reaction time per day (in milliseconds) for subjects in a sleep deprivation study
sleepstudy %>% as_tibble()
# A tibble: 180 × 3
   Reaction  Days Subject
      <dbl> <dbl> <fct>  
 1     250.     0 308    
 2     259.     1 308    
 3     251.     2 308    
 4     321.     3 308    
 5     357.     4 308    
 6     415.     5 308    
 7     382.     6 308    
 8     290.     7 308    
 9     431.     8 308    
10     466.     9 308    
# ℹ 170 more rows

Mixed models with {lme4}

  • Reaction time increased, on average, over time
sleepstudy %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Days, Reaction)) +
  geom_point() +
  stat_smooth(method="lm") +
    c("eq", "R2")))

Mixed models with {lme4}

  • Are the results similar across individuals?
sleepstudy %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Days, Reaction)) +
  geom_point() +
  stat_smooth(method="lm") +
  facet_wrap(~Subject, ncol = 6)

Mixed models with {lme4}

  • Fitting a mixed model
mixed_model<-lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)

Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)
   Data: sleepstudy

REML criterion at convergence: 1743.6

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.9536 -0.4634  0.0231  0.4634  5.1793 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
 Subject  (Intercept) 612.10   24.741       
          Days         35.07    5.922   0.07
 Residual             654.94   25.592       
Number of obs: 180, groups:  Subject, 18

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  251.405      6.825  36.838
Days          10.467      1.546   6.771

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
Days -0.138

Mixed models with {lme4}

  • Global structure of a mixed models formula
    • with FE = Fixed-effects and RE = Random-effects
    outcome ~ FEexpr + (REexpr1| factor1)+ (REexpr2| factor2) + ...
  • Check the documentation of the lme4 package for additional info

Mixed models with {lme4}

  • Reporting the findings

We fitted a linear mixed model (estimated using REML and nloptwrap optimizer)
to predict Reaction with Days (formula: Reaction ~ Days). The model included
Days as random effects (formula: ~Days | Subject). The model's total
explanatory power is substantial (conditional R2 = 0.80) and the part related
to the fixed effects alone (marginal R2) is of 0.28. The model's intercept,
corresponding to Days = 0, is at 251.41 (95% CI [237.94, 264.87], t(174) =
36.84, p < .001). Within this model:

  - The effect of Days is statistically significant and positive (beta = 10.47,
95% CI [7.42, 13.52], t(174) = 6.77, p < .001; Std. beta = 0.54, 95% CI [0.38,

Standardized parameters were obtained by fitting the model on a standardized
version of the dataset. 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and p-values were
computed using a Wald t-distribution approximation.


model outputs

with {report}


t.test(x = women$height*2.54, mu = 180, 
       alternative = "two.sided",paired = F)%>% 
Effect sizes were labelled following Cohen's (1988) recommendations.

The One Sample t-test testing the difference between women$height * 2.54 (mean
= 165.10) and mu = 180 suggests that the effect is negative, statistically
significant, and large (difference = -14.90, 95% CI [158.81, 171.39], t(14) =
-5.08, p < .001; Cohen's d = -1.31, 95% CI [-2.00, -0.60])

Linear Model

lm(diastolic ~ ., data = bp_dataset_mock) %>% report()
We fitted a linear model (estimated using OLS) to predict diastolic with id,
age, weight, systolic and mock (formula: diastolic ~ id + age + weight +
systolic + mock). The model explains a statistically significant and
substantial proportion of variance (R2 = 0.51, F(6, 291) = 50.46, p < .001,
adj. R2 = 0.50). The model's intercept, corresponding to id = 0, age = 0,
weight = 0, systolic = 0 and mock = High, is at 24.78 (95% CI [17.44, 32.12],
t(291) = 6.64, p < .001). Within this model:

  - The effect of id is statistically non-significant and negative (beta =
-1.56e-04, 95% CI [-7.61e-04, 4.49e-04], t(291) = -0.51, p = 0.613; Std. beta =
-0.02, 95% CI [-0.10, 0.06])
  - The effect of age is statistically significant and negative (beta = -0.10,
95% CI [-0.17, -0.03], t(291) = -2.92, p = 0.004; Std. beta = -0.14, 95% CI
[-0.24, -0.05])
  - The effect of weight is statistically significant and positive (beta = 0.13,
95% CI [0.06, 0.20], t(291) = 3.60, p < .001; Std. beta = 0.15, 95% CI [0.07,
  - The effect of systolic is statistically significant and positive (beta =
0.40, 95% CI [0.35, 0.46], t(291) = 13.95, p < .001; Std. beta = 0.71, 95% CI
[0.61, 0.81])
  - The effect of mock [Low] is statistically non-significant and negative (beta
= -1.42, 95% CI [-3.81, 0.98], t(291) = -1.16, p = 0.245; Std. beta = -0.11,
95% CI [-0.31, 0.08])
  - The effect of mock [Medium] is statistically significant and negative (beta =
-3.22, 95% CI [-5.80, -0.64], t(291) = -2.45, p = 0.015; Std. beta = -0.26, 95%
CI [-0.47, -0.05])

Standardized parameters were obtained by fitting the model on a standardized
version of the dataset. 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and p-values were
computed using a Wald t-distribution approximation.

Generalized Linear Model

logit_model %>% report()
We fitted a logistic model (estimated using ML) to predict status with age,
sex, ecog and meal_cal (formula: status ~ age + sex + ecog + meal_cal). The
model's explanatory power is weak (Tjur's R2 = 0.12). The model's intercept,
corresponding to age = 0, sex = 1, ecog = 0 and meal_cal = 0, is at -0.72 (95%
CI [-3.73, 2.26], p = 0.635). Within this model:

  - The effect of age is statistically non-significant and positive (beta = 0.02,
95% CI [-0.02, 0.06], p = 0.296; Std. beta = 0.20, 95% CI [-0.18, 0.58])
  - The effect of sex [2] is statistically significant and negative (beta =
-1.00, 95% CI [-1.75, -0.27], p = 0.007; Std. beta = -1.00, 95% CI [-1.75,
  - The effect of ecog is statistically significant and positive (beta = 0.76,
95% CI [0.24, 1.30], p = 0.005; Std. beta = 0.56, 95% CI [0.18, 0.96])
  - The effect of meal cal is statistically non-significant and positive (beta =
1.77e-04, 95% CI [-7.66e-04, 1.18e-03], p = 0.719; Std. beta = 0.07, 95% CI
[-0.31, 0.47])

Standardized parameters were obtained by fitting the model on a standardized
version of the dataset. 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and p-values were
computed using a Wald z-distribution approximation.

Unlocking the power of programming

What if you wanted to explore 2, or 5, or 50 models? Would you have to write them all manually?
“diastolic ~ age”,
“diastolic ~ age + weight”,
“diastolic ~ age + weight + mock”

Enter… Loops

#First, create a vector with the desired model formulas
formulas <- c("diastolic ~ age",
              "diastolic ~ age + weight",
              "diastolic ~ age + weight + mock")

#For each model in the "formulas" vector, do something...
for (i in formulas) {
  model_x <- lm(i, data = bp_dataset_mock) #Create the model
  print(broom::tidy(model_x)) #Print the output
  plot(ggcoefstats(model_x, exclude.intercept = T)) #Plot the coefficients

Enter… Loops

# A tibble: 2 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   74.1      1.97       37.5  6.59e-115
2 age            0.184    0.0407      4.52 9.11e-  6

# A tibble: 3 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   57.5      3.58       16.1  4.05e-42
2 age            0.163    0.0388      4.19 3.64e- 5
3 weight         0.247    0.0454      5.44 1.15e- 7

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   58.8      3.62      16.2   8.97e-43
2 age            0.154    0.0383     4.01  7.68e- 5
3 weight         0.260    0.0448     5.80  1.72e- 8
4 mockLow       -0.423    1.56      -0.270 7.87e- 1
5 mockMedium    -5.29     1.68      -3.16  1.76e- 3